
This information is written from the assumption the reader has a basic understanding of a computer command prompt.

Currently, ServX is only supported on Windows. Linux will be supported but for now only Windows.

Config.xml #

ServX will create a Config.xml in your current working directory when executed but only if a Config.xml does not already exist.

Folder Structure #

Create a new folder somewhere to house all the new folders we will be creating, something like C:/CODEX.

Within this folder create another new folder called rundir (or whatever you prefer, name doesn’t matter. This will be our current working directory)

The default config will look for a folder named core and a folder named stones up one directy from the current working directory:


After installing both the Lua Scripts and ServX, The final folder structure within C:/CODEX would look like this:


With rundir to contain the configuration files and act as our current working directory.

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